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The Effects Of Sleep On The Production Of HGH

There is a song with the lyric: "I'll sleep when I'm dead." Experts are now beginning to recognize exactly how unhealthy this mindset is. No matter how busy you are, or how many exciting things you want to do, one of the best ways to maintain a healthy body and a high level of energy is to regularly get enough sleep. But how much sleep is enough? Can an individual sleep for longer times at irregular intervals and still receive all the health benefits of a regular sleep cycle? This article will answer these questions and clarify the issues involved in sleep deprivation.

Why Is Sleep So Important?

Experts claim that as much as seventy-five percent of the release of human growth hormone (HGH) occurs while we are asleep, and the largest amount is secreted in a pulsatile surge that occurs during slow wave, or third and fourth stage REM, sleep, about an hour after we first fall asleep. This is important because, according to one authority, there is an "almost linear relationship between growth hormone and slow wave sleep." In other words, the more slow wave sleep we experience, the more HGH is secreted. Increased levels of the growth hormone can reduce or prevent some of the adverse effects that we associate with getting older. These include weight gain, loss of memory and focus, low sexual drive, lessened muscle mass, higher risk of disorders such as diabetes and heart disease, and even wrinkled skin and thinning, gray hair.

Unfortunately, getting enough sleep and sleeping deeply enough to boost our HGH levels can be difficult in our fast-paced world. According to one source, "The average hours of sleep per person has been steadily declining since the past 20 years. Nearly 70 percent of all Americans claim to get less than 8 hours of sleep a day, with a survey finding that 30 percent of workers admitted falling asleep on the job, or feeling very sleepy while at work." This ties in to the unhealthy lifestyle that many Americans lead. However, lack of sleep and lowered levels of HGH are both very preventable problems.

What Is the Best Sleeping Schedule to Increase HGH Release?

Simply put, the best way to increase HGH secretion is to regularly get eight hours of sleep (and closer to ten if you're an athlete). However, one expert explains that it is not quite as easy as taking naps during the day or getting twelve hours of sleep per night after spending several nights without enough rest. In fact, if you spend many hours in bed, your HGH levels might even be lowered because of the lack of exercise and activity.

Furthermore, it is important that you sleep on a regular schedule in order to achieve the highest possible level of HGH secretion. This is because the hormone is released in pulses on a set cycle of three to five hours a day, depending on factors such as your diet, exercise, and general health. If your sleep schedule is irregular, then it will be more difficult for you to receive regular surges of HGH in high amounts.

What Are the Problems Associated with Lack of Sleep?

One expert cautions, however, that as we grow older we sleep less soundly and spend less time in slow wave sleep. This means that we experience fewer HGH surges and that our HGH level is lower in general -- ironically, just when we need it the most, it becomes more difficult for us to receive the benefits of elevated amounts of the hormone.

Another authority says straight out that lack of sleep can lead to greater vulnerability to conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. In addition, there is new research that seems to indicate that poor sleep and an irregular sleep schedule can even lead to severe issues such as premature death for older persons.

How Can I Enhance My Slow Wave Sleep?

One study, carried out in 2009, claims that drugs such as tiagabine, gabadoxal, gabapentin, pregabaline, ritanserin, eplivanserin, trazodone, mirtazapine and olanzapine can increase the time that an individual spends in slow wave sleep. The authors claim that slow wave sleep enhanced by these pharmaceuticals "reduces the negative neurobehavioral and physiologic consequences of sleep loss." However, they also admit, "further research with longer-term treatments and with drugs that increase SWS [slow wave sleep] via other mechanisms of action should be instructive in determining the therapeutic value of SWS enhancement for the management of insomnia." In other words, further research needs to be done on such drugs. Currently, such pharmaceuticals (including GHB, another potential sleep aid according to a 1997 study) require a doctor's prescription, and may be restricted or even illegal in various locations. Treat such remedies with caution.

For more natural remedies for poor sleep, consider a relaxing, low-intensity activity such as yoga or tai chi before bedtime, according to one source. Also, they recommend that you avoid intense exercise, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine before going to sleep. If you have questions about your sleeping schedule, consult a medical professional.

Far better than deciding that you can rest when you are dead is to get enough sleep to enhance your health and energy. Perhaps that way you can put death off, and enjoy all the exciting activities of your life for a longer time.

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