- Genf20 Plus
- Somatropinne
- Provacyl
- Vigrx Plus
- Growth Factor Plus
- Hypergh 14x
- Genfx
- Sytropin
- HGF Max
- HGH 30000 Nanos Pills
- HGH X2
- HGH Spray
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Sources Where You Can Get Cheap HGH
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Anti Aging Therapies - Fact And Fiction
Over the past several decades, people have been making quite a fuss of the purported benefits of Human Growth Hormone (or HGH) therapy. Stupendous claims and dire warnings have been poured out about this controversial treatment.
Some say it is a natural and effective way to not only stave off the ravages of the aging process, but to, in many cases, turn back the hands on your body's clock and regain some of your youthful vigor and appearance.
Others say it is just the latest nostrum foisted by quacks on a gullible and desperate public.
The HGH claims:
Proponents of HGH therapy have called this treatment a fountain of youth. It is supposed to be able to:
- Increase energy
- Aid in weight control
- Encourage the body to develop and maintain lean muscle mass
- Improve muscle and skin tone, giving a younger appearance and improving athletic performance
- Aid in sexual performance
The Hollywood Connection:

In Hollywood, where youth is worshipped and appearance is everything, HGH is a hot topic. It is little wonder that this community would see some of the first cases of HGH usage. When you are pulling in six and seven figure paychecks for your movies or concert tours, adding a few more years to your youthful appearance can produce massive rewards.
Sylvester Stallone and model Alana Stewart have openly admitted to using HGH injections to battle aging.
Actors and performers like Brad Pitt, Cher and Will Smith have appeared on lists of suspected HGH users for their uncanny ability to maintain a youthful appearance and vigor far longer than nature normally allows.
The bottom line, when how you look determines whether or not you work, treatments that claim to improve your appearance are taken very seriously.
Body Builder Flexing Torso Many athletes have also been known to use the body building benefits of Human Growth Hormone.
Lance Armstrong, word champion bicyclist, is under investigation for using HGH therapy during his competitions. While not a steroid, it is still banned from use by most world class athletic associations.
What are the HGH facts?
Human Growth Hormone is a recently discovered component of our normal body chemistry. First isolated as a secretion of the pituitary gland in the 1950's, it was determined that this hormone was used by the body to control the growth process of humans during their early, developmental years. Many physical abnormalities regarding size are the result of too little or too much HGH production during childhood.
After our teen years, the levels of Human Growth Hormone produced by the pituitary decreases dramatically. For years medical science took little notice of this decrease, since by this time, normal growth had ceased and the individual had reached their full growth potential. The thought was, the task of the pituitary was done and its supply of HGH no longer needed.
Subsequent research on the effects of HGH revealed, however, that this chemical does more than just make you grow.

It is an important element in the immune system, and is used to promote healing and cell regeneration.
It also helps control your metabolism and influences how your body processes food. When HGH levels are higher, our body tends to convert food into usable energy and lean muscle mass. When they are lower, as in your twenties and when you reach middle age, food is more likely to be converted into fat.
Skin elasticity and muscle tone also suffer when the HGH levels drop, and it is part of the reason that no matter how hard you exercise, your muscle mass will decrease as you age.
Bone density and the ability to heal breaks are also greatly affected by HGH levels.
In short, researches discovered a correlation between the loss of HGH in the body and the onset of many of the symptoms of aging.
HGH The Fountain of Youth:
The excitement over these discoveries was enormous, especially in the wake of other medical advances that were adding years to the life span of the average American. Eternal youth seemed to be in our grasp. Early HGH therapies involved the injection of genuine Human Growth Hormone harvested from deceased donors. This produced a number of ethical and medical issues, not the least of which was an incurable brain disease that was a frequent result of the use of harvested HGH. It was also the inspiration of a number of B Science Fiction movies released around this time. Fortunately, a synthetic replacement was discovered, and no harvested HGH is used in modern day therapies.
The reality On HGH Therapy:
Does HGH really work?
This is an area of much dispute within the medial and health supplement community. As one might expect, there has been a lot of research done in this area, and many of the studies have shown impressive results. However, to this point, the findings of this research have not been sufficient for the Federal Drug Administration to approve HGH Therapy as an anti-aging agent.
Proponents of the therapy point out that this may be due, in part, to the nature of the evaluation rather than the evidence. The FDA is tasked to approve treatments for specific diseases and conditions. However, aging, at this time, is not considered a disease, but rather a part of the normal life cycle. While drugs can and have been approved to help alleviate the so called 'symptoms of aging', such as arthritis, the evaluation protocols of the FDA make it difficult to approve a therapy for such a wide range of maladies.
Nevertheless, those concerned with extending the vigor and vitality of their teenage years, and those who want to reverse the effects that aging has had on their bodies, are looking to Human Growth Hormone therapy as a miracle cure.
Types of HGH Therapy:
HGH Injections:
This is the obvious answer to the problem. Take Human Growth Hormone (or more precisely, the synthetic equivalent) and introduce it into the body. Unfortunately, due to the size and complexity of the HGH molecule, it cannot be taken orally and must be injected. Those who choose this option must inject daily doses of synthetic HGH. And while self injection technology has progressed over the years, this is still a painful and inconvenient solution.
It is also expensive, and hard to come by.
Synthetic HGH is costly to manufacture and comes at a high price. Many who use HGH injection therapy pay $10,000 or more each year for their supply. It is also a controlled substance and only available legally with a prescription.
HGH Supplements:
Despite the name, HGH supplements such as HGHF Max, Genf20 Plus, Provacyl, Genfx and Sytropin do not contain any HGH. They are simply carefully formulated mixtures of ingredients that encourage the pituitary gland to increase the output of HGH naturally. These supplements often contain ingredients that help increase the effectiveness of the HGH that is produced as well.
Using HGH supplements has several advantages.
First, HGH releasers such as Growth Factor plus are much cheaper than HGH injections. They are available for a fraction of what HGH injections cost. And without the discomfort and risk of site injection therapy. They are also available without a prescription. Releasers like Somatropinne, Dbol GH, HGF Max,Genf20 Plus and Growth Factor Plus, while not approved by the FDA to combat the aging process, are nonetheless certified as safe when used as directed. And since the benefits are produced by the body's own Human Growth Hormone, they are a more natural solution than introducing synthetic chemicals into your system. These supplements, also know as HGH releasers, come in tablet and oral spray form. Some manufacturers recommend that both delivery methods be used. As with any HGH product, it is important to consider your source. Some HGH Supplements are better than others, and a wise consumer will consider all the facts before committing to a human growth hormone regimen.
Dr. Rudman's Clinical Findings on the Effects of HGH
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