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Contribution of Mathematics to Advancements in Anti-Aging Medicine

It has been said that mathematics can help slow brain aging. This is because it is one of those activities that put the vital organ to work. Experts note that stimulation of the brain is very essential to guard against cognitive decline that comes with the passing of the years. But the relevance of math in anti-aging research and medicine goes well beyond this. In fact, it is very likely you have never thought about it being a driving force in the way it is. We discuss how math contributes to efforts to slow aging and other relevant matters, including the latest in longevity research.

Aging and lifespan

Aging is thought to be the result of damage in the body that has accumulated over time. Cells, tissues and organs can become damaged. The body has the natural ability to correct this problem. But it becomes less effective at this with the passing of the years and this results in certain changes. These changes are both physiological and psychological in nature. Telomere shortening, cellular senescence, and mitochondrial dysfunction are some of what cause people to age. Damage by free radicals and certain lifestyle choices also have a hand in aging.

The level of individual exposure to factors that accelerate aging determines extent of impact on lifespan. If you can control these effectively, you are more likely to live longer. It is interesting to note that average life expectancy has improved significantly over the years, although people still desire to live longer. The global average life expectancy in 1950 was 48, up from 31 five decades earlier, according to the World Health Organization. In 2015, this figure improved to an average of 71.4 years. Researchers think the longest feasible lifespan to be currently around 120 years. The longest lifespan that has been proven is 122 years in the instance of Jeanne Calment.

Aging makes a person more vulnerable to a variety of chronic conditions that could lead to early death. These include diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Susceptibility to these conditions and accidents among older people shortens lifespan. However, infant and child mortality can drag down average life expectancy as well.

What role does math play in anti-aging medicine?

Now, to the main issue of how mathematics contributes to the fight against aging. The role of this science of number, quantity, shape and arrangement contributes to anti-aging medicine indirectly. It is for this reason that many often miss its relevance in this area. Mathematics helps through the impact it has on the study of computer science. The latter has contributed different technologies to the research into how to make people live longer.

Mathematics is at the core of computer science. It is known that the latter has numerous areas of study, but virtually all of these depend on knowledge of the former. You may think of math as being to computer science what a foundation is to a house. Algorithms, which computer scientists work with a lot, significantly rely on knowledge of mathematics. Theoretical computer science, in particular, involves lots of mathematical operations. It uses discrete mathematics, including such things as algebra, algorithms, graphs, computational geometry, and computational number theory.

Basic mathematics, especially algebra, is mostly used in computer science. Computing is practically impossible without Boolean algebra. Ability to learn programming languages depends greatly on a person's grasp of Boolean algebra. Lots of mathematics may not be needed at the initial stage when learning programming, but it becomes more important, and advanced, as a person progresses.

Physics and logic also play important roles in computer science. But this only further goes to show how important mathematics is to technological advancements. This is because both physics and logic are closely connected to it. These have mathematics and mathematical principles ingrained in them. Knowledge of mathematics therefore, indirectly, drives advances in anti-aging research technology and medicine. It is a driving force in efforts to increase computing power to better understand aging and so be able to reverse it.

How math and computer technology is contributing to anti-aging medicine research

The influence of math, through increase in computing powers, in anti-aging research is, perhaps, most felt in genetic studies. Genetics is the study of genes and the factors that are related to them. It is an evaluation of how genes determine aging and risk of developing certain conditions, among others. In the past couple of decades, advancement in genetics and genetic technology has led to impressive progress in better understanding of aging.

The Human Genome Project

Perhaps, the most notable of successes recorded is the achievement of the Human Genome Project (HGP). The timely completion of the research venture is credited to rapid technological developments. The HGP, which used computer technology as a tool, was launched in the United States in 1990 and declared as completed in 2003. Researchers were able to identify tens of thousands genes that make up the human genome. The project has contributed immensely to increase knowledge of genetic factors and effects they can have on lifespan and chronic conditions. As a result, over 1,800 disease genes have successfully been identified. The HGP increased the number of genetic tests available to more than 2,000. It also led to availability of hundreds of biotechnology products.

Computational biology

Among the positives from the HGP is that researchers can now come up with diverse techniques to determine the roles of genes in different conditions. In fact, these techniques are becoming more and more advanced to better deal with aging and health issues. One of these is computational technology. This involves application of mathematical theory in molecular cell biology. Researchers use advanced mathematical and computational techniques to make sense out of the ever-increasing data generated from diverse, current genome projects. In addition to mathematics and molecular biology, this field also involves knowledge of computer science, biostatistics, genetics, and biophysics, among others.

Next generation sequencing

The completion of the Human Genome Project set in motion massive advancement in sequencing technology. Improved technical know-how led to better alternatives to the conventional Sanger sequencing method, which was still costly and time-consuming. The next generation sequencing (NGS) technology drastically reduced the cost implication of sequencing the human genome – dropping below $1,000. This method has numerous clinical and research applications. These include detection of epigenetic markers for improved diagnosis of diseases and discovery of rare genomic variants.

With expected technological advancements, the NGS is predicted to become more effective and more cost friendly. The projection is that it will be possible to sequence human genome in just an hour and for only $100 in not too far time. This technology is helping to better understand the genomic factors responsible for many medical conditions.

Unique molecular signature

Using similar techniques as the HGP, including computer technology, researchers for a popular beauty product company made some interesting discoveries. They noted that genetic expression in the cells of young and aging skin differs. The skin of each one has unique molecular signature – protein content. The response of the skin of young and older people to stress and aggression are also different, the researchers noted. The skin of a younger person may take five hours to recover from mechanical aggression. But that of an older individual could take up to a whopping 30 hours to bounce back! Aging results from built up aggressions that are not properly dealt with, from this perspective. The idea here is that providing the skin of older people with protein content signature found in younger skin can help fight aging.

Metabolic transformation algorithm

A team of computer science researchers in Israel have been able to use a computer algorithm to identify certain genes that can be target to slow aging. The scientists developed a genome-scale metabolic model (GSMM) to create the algorithm named metabolic transformation algorithm (MTA). GSMMs use mathematical equations to recreate the metabolic set-up of living cells. They combine genome sequences with biochemical metabolic pathways.

The MTA is able to tell what genes to “turn off” to slow aging. It achieves same effect as caloric restriction in this regard. The hope is that the algorithm can help in developing drugs that heals diseased cells. These medication will differ from those that kill off cells, as in the case of cancer, for example.

Increasing computing power

The advent of computer – of course, driven by knowledge of mathematics – has impacted positively on medicine, among other areas. In 1950, it was estimated that medical knowledge doubled every 50 years. This reduced drastically to just three and half years by 2010 and is predicted to drop to less than two and half months by 2020! This phenomenal improvement in medical knowledge has been linked to advancement in computer technology. Increasing computing power has enabled experts to have a better understanding of how the human body works. The estimation is that computing power doubles about every one and half years!

Many notable companies are involved in the efforts to extend life, including through advancement in computer technology. Among these are Google, IBM Watson Healthcare, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Qualcomm, Novartis, Synthetic Genomics, and Amazon. Google unveiled a San Francisco-based company named Calico in 2013. It said the outfit will utilize latest technologies to improve understanding of the aging process. The biotech company reportedly aims to prolong human lifespan by a hundred years. With increasing computing power, more significant successes in anti-aging medicine are expected in the near future.

The improvement that has been witnessed in computing power has now made it possible for anyone interested to sequence their own DNA. The information obtained can be compared to a fast expanding DNA database and correlated with medical records. This can enable such a person to know what conditions they are vulnerable to based on their genetic makeup. Such information makes it possible to take appropriate and timely actions to guard against possible future issues.


Nanomedicine researchers believe further advances in the field will at some point help to extend lifespan considerably. It will be possible to correct many processes that contribute to aging through the use of nanotechnology. Scientists expect that it will be possible to embed molecular computers in the body to diagnose and deal with diseases from within before they worsen.

How close is science to the “fountain of youth”?

From time immemorial, humans have been interested in knowing how to prolong their lives. But the explorer Ponce de Leon contributed significantly to increased interest in the quest for the mythical fountain of youth. Many things have since been suggested as the ultimate solution for reversing aging, but the search still continues. So how close are scientists to finding the perfect anti-aging remedy? Well, it appears they are getting closer, but not there just yet.

Metformin as a solution

Researchers are looking into the well-known generic drug for Type 2 diabetes, Metformin, as possibly being the fountain of youth. This is based on the observation that diabetics treated with this medication tend to live longer than those who were not. It also appears to decrease the risk of cancer among patients taking it. Obviously, this has generated interest in finding out whether similar effects can be achieved in people who don’t have diabetes. Studies are ongoing into learning more about the anti-aging benefits of Metformin in this regard.

Anti-aging drugs possibly few years away

In a study that appeared in the journal Science in March 2017, researchers led by Professor David Sinclair noted that the safest and most effective anti-aging drug may just be three to five years way. They found that a particular compound given to older mice set off the DNA repair process. In addition, it showed potential to help guard against future cell damage.

Sinclair’s team had, in 2013, discovered that younger mice have greater amount of the compound nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). The amount of this compound is known to decline with age. This in turn causes the level of another compound known as PARP1 to drop. Now, the latter compound is critical for the repair of DNA damage that accumulates with age. It is therefore not able to repair damage that causes aging when levels are low.

A drug containing the NAD+ precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), which was developed by the researchers, helped to not only improve DNA repair in older mice, but also to reverse existing DNA damage. It was noted that the mice started looking younger after receiving the drug. Sinclair and his team are planning to evaluate a comparable drug on humans within few months.

HGH as fountain of youth

Human growth hormone (HGH) is one of those things that have been put forward as the fountain of youth. While it is not the real thing, it is probably the closest. The hormone is crucial to human growth and development, making it very vital for growing children. It promotes overall health and wellness. But like most naturally occurring substances in the body, HGH declines in level as people get older. This is believed to contribute to all sorts of issues that older individuals have.

Low growth hormone levels lead to loss of lean muscle, appearance of wrinkles, weight gain and brittle bones. This problem also causes healing to take longer, cognitive function to decline and sleep quality to suffer, among other issues. Extremely low HGH increases risk of some awful conditions, including cardiovascular disease. It is in order to guard against these problems that some take HGH injections or supplements to boost levels.

Significant strides have been made and continue to be made in anti-aging medicine research. This is largely as a result of mathematics that serves as the foundation for computing technology. It is probable the elusive fountain of youth may soon be found considering the rate at which computing power grows.


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