- Genf20 Plus
- Somatropinne
- Provacyl
- Vigrx Plus
- Growth Factor Plus
- Hypergh 14x
- Genfx
- Sytropin
- HGF Max
- HGH 30000 Nanos Pills
- HGH X2
- HGH Spray
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Does Belly Fat Lower Testosterone Levels?
Testosterone is an important hormone in the body, especially for men. It is crucial to ensuring great sexual and overall health. A degree of relationship has been observed between its levels and the amount of fat around the belly.

However, there is a causality dilemma as regards these two. Some researchers think that belly fat lowers testosterone levels, while others think it's the other way round. In this article, we provide information on how excess midsection fat may give rise to low T levels.
Why is Testosterone Important?
Testosterone is the principal male hormone. It is a key factor in muscle mass building and other male characteristics, including hair growth, stronger bones, and voice deepening. It also contributes to sexual desire and firm erections in men.
The hormone is beneficial to psychological health as well. It improves cognitive ability and may help fight depression and Alzheimer's disease.
Given the importance of testosterone, there are bound to be consequences when its levels are low. Naturally, the amount of the hormone in the body drops as people get older. But this is a problem a man may also experience, regardless of age.
The manifestation of certain signs could point to a problem of deficiency. Increase in fat around the middle region is just one of such. Fatigue, loss of muscle mass, depression, and hair loss may be suggestive of low levels as well.
Hazards of Belly Fat
Research has shown that too much fat in the body constitutes a major threat to health. And this is not just belly fat, but focus is usually on it because it is believed to carry the most risk.
Medical conditions associated with excess body fat include type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis. It also makes a person more likely to suffer heart disease or stroke.
Often, belly fat is used interchangeably with visceral fat, which is the main culprit for health issues. But the two are not necessarily the same. Belly fat, also called beer belly in men, relates to what you can see on the outside; visceral fat is not externally visible.
Belly fat and visceral fat are used one for another mainly because research has shown that men with large belly are more likely to have more visceral fat.
Visceral fat is at the core of belly fat's threat to health and possibly testosterone levels. This type of fat wraps around organs and prevents them from functioning at their best. It promotes inflammation that can make a man age faster, among other effects.
Belly Fat and Testosterone Levels
There is certainly nothing fashionable about belly fat for men. It emasculates. With excess body fat, you become curvaceous rather than muscular. It gets even worse when man breasts also develop as a result.
With loss of muscle mass, a man experiences increased metabolic slowdown as he gets older. There is an accumulation of more body fat due to this, sustaining the vicious cycle.
Some researchers have observed that these changes result from fall in testosterone levels. The amount of the hormone drops mainly due to excess body fat. How?
Belly fat, or fats generally, contains aromatase. This enzyme catalyzes the conversion of testosterone into the primary female hormone estrogen. The result is reduction in the amount of the male hormone. This, of course, makes a man look curvaceous and possibly have breasts similar to those of a woman.
Waist circumference is an indicator of likelihood of suffering from low testosterone levels. It is a pointer to accumulation of visceral fat and, hence, health risks. Some experts think a combination of waist circumference and body mass index offer the best indicator of health risks from belly fat.
Researchers at the New England Research Institute found that waist circumference is the arguably the best predictor of low testosterone levels in men. Based on evidence from the study of more than 1,800 men, they concluded that it is more predictive than age or overall health.
The relationship between belly fat and low T levels doesn't appear to be one way. It's a chicken and egg dilemma. Low testosterone may cause increase in fat around the belly; it could also be the other way round.
How to Reduce Belly Fat and Increase Testosterone Levels
Usually, steps you take to burn excess fat will also lead to boost in testosterone levels. The typical advice is to make some lifestyle changes. Below are some ideas of things you can start with.
Take exercises more seriously
We don't know how often you exercise currently. But, if it happens you don't spend enough time on it, you need to start doing so. Exercises that work on the abs can help to deal with belly fat. This not only burns midsection fat, but also promotes overall weight loss.
Resistance training will probably be more suitable for this purpose. Weight lifting can give you significant testosterone raise while also blasting fat. It can force your body to use up stored fat for energy.
High intensity interval training (HIIT), which involves repeated short periods of intense exercise, can also be hugely beneficial.
What's more? The right exercise can boost your growth hormone levels. This is a huge plus for muscle mass building.
Stop Drinking Alcohol
For many men, relaxation time is never complete without bottles of beer or other alcoholic drinks on show. This is a major reason these often end up with the so-called beer gut.
Alcohol can ramp up the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. This causes you to lose muscle mass and add more curves. Who needs those?
Therefore, you need to stop your alcohol consumption to prevent such outcomes.
Eat right
Diet plays an important role in weight management and in ensuring optimal testosterone levels. There is a claim that it is even more vital than exercise in these regards.
It may seem that reducing fat intake is a good way to improve T levels, based on the foregoing. But that is not ideal. Taking such a step may only prove to be counterproductive, even though that's what used to be recommended in the past.
Healthy dietary fats are crucial for testosterone production, so you should have more of them. It has been proven that high-fat diets can actually help to burn body fat.
Also, you should not avoid calories – again, contrary to what you might have been told in the past. This is especially relevant for men who do intense workouts. Insufficient calories can cause such to experience drop in testosterone levels.
Your diet should also feature sufficient amount of amino acids. This can help you build lean muscle and cut belly fat.
Sleep well
Some people think it's normal to sleep less as one gets older. That's not true. Certain age-related changes cause that to happen. Therefore, you should not take comfort in such belief if you found you don't sleep well or long enough.
Poor sleep can lower your T levels, and that's based on research. It was found in a study that sleeping for an average of about five hours every night reduced testosterone levels by as much as 15 percent in men.
The common advice is that adults should get about eight hours of quality sleep every night.
Consider the Use of Supplements
Now, the suggestions provided above may not be enough to deliver the quality of improvement you desire or need. You can use herbal extracts and other natural ingredients to promote increase in testosterone levels. It is easy to get such in form of supplements these days.
One of the products you may want to consider is Provacyl. This is a natural growth hormone releaser and testosterone booster. It is believed to help fight male menopause, which is known as andropause. One of its ingredients is said to boost T levels by up to 60 percent!
You may combine that product with VigRX Plus, a natural alternative to Viagra. This may especially be useful if you do experience erection problems. It promises "bigger, harder, longer lasting erections," which, according to research, can boost the amount of testosterone circulating in the blood.
The relationship between belly fat and low testosterone levels is like that of a vicious cycle. One worsens the other. This can have profound adverse effect not only on your sexual health, but also on your overall health.
Steps you take to correct one will typically be beneficial for controlling the other. These include regular, vigorous exercise, healthy, high-fat diet, adequate sleep, and other lifestyle changes. Supplements may help as well.
Improve Your Testosterone: Men's Health.com (https://www.menshealth.com/weight-loss/a19537203/improve-your-testosterone/)
How Low Testosterone Levels and Belly Fat Are Connected (https://lowtcenter.com/houston-2/katy/the-link-between-low-testosterone-and-belly-fat/)
Belly Fat and Testosterone – What You Need to Know (https://nutritionyoucanuse.com/belly-fat-and-testosterone-what-you-need-to-know)
Testosterone Benefits: Why Testosterone is Important | The Art of Manliness (https://www.artofmanliness.com/2013/01/14/testosterone-benefits/)
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